Friday, December 28, 2007

More than 200 people celebrated the first day of Kwanzaa!

The celebration of UMOJA (=Unity) DAY, the first day of Kwanzaa, on the 26 December 2007, became an event of joy, reunion and inspiration for young and old. More than 200 people from different parts of Gauteng province gathered in the community of Fietas to enjoy greetings, thanks giving, songs, music, poetry, good food - and the company of each other. The celebrations left children, youth, adults and Elders with a sense of renewed togetherness and commitment to uplifting our Pan-Afrikan community - at home and abroad. On the picture you see some of the enthusiastic Kwanzaa attendees.

1 comment:

Empress K said...

It is truly a blessing for us to regain what we, as a people have for so long been denied and that is our freedom. Freedom to embrace our history, freedom to forge our own destiny!